The Zeran Chronicles - Yul'Kan

Zura hosts three separate continents, and one such continent is Imatarune, of Forest and Mountain. Within its dense foliage and deep under its bordering Mountains, the Yul’Kan thrive.

These living, dwarven golems tirelessly dig away at tunnels and mines, searching for gems, ores, and the like in order to expand their home of Yulecard both in size and technology.
Even so, they take care to treat the mountains and tunnels they built with respect, as their Forge God - Yul, made them from the very stone, and the least they can do is only take what they need for their growing civilization.

Though most are not as unique as others, they still have ways of customizing themselves whether that be with armor, chizzled “hair” cosmetics, or various types of runes made to channel the magic of various gemstone contraptions.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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