Upon asking theeth where his new avatar’s chrachter is from, he gave me a link to a japanese animated series. As I still had no chance (or an excuse) to play with blender’s new cartoon shader, I modeled a sword of one of the series’s character I suspect to be theeth’s.
I really like the way you used the Toon Shader. Watching those pics gave me some ideas of how to work on my characters.
One crit I’d give is that the reflections are the same everywhere. The metal part of the sword could have a bigger reflection. Also, there are some jaggies in the bottom of the sheath.
I don’t like toon shading because very few people use it the right way. But it’s a great tool when people like you use it. Very very good job, @ner.
I’d like to know what your settings are. I can’t believe you didn’t use any tricks to get that look.
See you.
Thank you too, I tried to make it similar. The sword id quite simple so it wasn’t very hard.
It was rendered purely in blender without scripts .
Thanks .
Hey ztonzy [!], thank you for the compliment (me blush ).
I’m preaty lousy with characters, further more the sword owner is quite comlex, so I think i’ll pass.
wow thanks (many compliments yay ).
It wasn’t very hard, I played with the settings untill I got it right,it was the right lighting that was hard to achieve.
Thanks and do well with those characters of yours! As to the reflections, the original picture didn’t had any reflections at all, and because I was trying to get the same quality I also didn’t use any reflections at all.
Thank you. The materials setting as I said were’nt very hard to achieve, it was the lighting that gave me problams, for one thing: I had to use two sources of light because one light gave too dark shadows. Playing with the Emit settings of the material proved to gave a result I didn’t needed, and so I was forced to use two sources of light that all to often gave an effect of reflections, which I didn’t want also. But I have now a new idea that I will try soon, if it’ll I’ll tell ya all.
I agree with the rest, very nice use of the toon shading. Inspires me to want to do some toon rendering! I sure could use a tutorial! Keep up the good work.