So one day I decided I needed to make a blender theme that would work with my eyes, so that it would separate the different UI elements. After a bit of color tweaking I came up with this theme. The result works so well with my eyes, that I decided to share it with other people who might find it useful.
You must create a copy of your setup with this button:
and to share this setup, open the folder: C:\Programm file>Blender Foundation>blender>2.66>scripts>presets>interface_theme
and you must found your new interface_theme in.
Make a link in a Blenderartists’s message to Dropbox or other or a simple’s attachement to share this file.
Hello Spirou4D, thank you for the quick reply! I had checked there once before and didn’t find my themes there, but you gave me an Idea so I looked in the following directory and awesome! They were there. I also added NeoBlue
Hello Jakasan, Thank you for the feedback, but at the moment I have no plans on making more themes, as I am not a theme maker, sorry. These themes came out of necessity and I feel I am not fit to design a lighter theme since I prefer darker themes.
I would suggest you re-title this thread and edit your original post to remove the question (and include the link to your .blend) since this sub-forum isn’t for support questions.
I apologize Uncle Entity, It wasn’t my intention to go beyond what this Sub-Forum is meant for. I felt I was simply replying to peoples questions, but as a moderator I believe you know what is best for this forum. I figured out how to make the changes it simply involved editing the original post and at the top was the option, I would be happy to make any-other changes you feel are necessary.
I really like this theme I´ve been rocking the Elysiun theme the last couple of months but I think I´m making the jump, using the NeoBlue with text anti-aliasing turned off
I had to update these themes with Blender 2.68. Apparently text that was previously orange is more universal, but still looks like before in the main UI. It includes NeoGreen and NeoBlue. Glad to hear you liked it BrilliantApe