
It’s been a few months since I visited BA, the first thing I noticed was the new vbulletin theme. Its alright, but is there any way to switch back to the old style? As in changing something in my options? In other forums I’ve seen the option, I can’t seem to find it here. Just wondering.

We have disabled the theme-changing option for now. We like to have a clear identity to the outside world. However, we are thinking about a less bright theme that users can enable. This will not be available in the near future though.



I can understand about wanting to have one identity. I personally don’t have anything against light themes, but I do prefer darker ones, and the old elysiun colors are nostalgia for me. I’d just like there to be more definition in the theme, right now elements arent that distinguishable - most things are separated by a thin black line, or a light gray bar, which isn’t much. Well just thought I would add my 2 cents I’m sure you will all make a good decision.

I thought I would just add my 2cents.
A while ago, just when the new forum interface was launched, I was one of those that critisized it as a bad overall design (forgot my exact words). However, today i realised something - I actually have grown to like this interface.
Of course, there will always be critisisms, but oveall it is actually pretty pleasing to my eyes.
Thanks to those involved.
enough has been said already.
Does everyone realize the forum has a search function.

Personally, I like the new forum. I like light, clean lines on a web page.

That said, on a forum, and one about artwork at that, dark is better. Many people simply cannot handle bright computer screens when reading.

Goofster, how about a simple color swap theme that said users can enable. It would have the same clean style and design as the current, only some of our members won’t be frobbing the brightness control on their monitor every time they come here:

This is just a quickly GIMPified idea (I think the text color still needs a little help) but it is much easier for some people to read, and would be trivial to implement (AFAIK --only a few colors are changed).

What think ye all?

Meta-Androcto. I’m glad the current theme doesn’t bother you. Some of our subscribers simply cannot read the forum, at least not easily, with the bright colors. It strains their eyes. Also, this is the correct forum for such a thread, not News & Discussion.

I think your theme are way too dark. Even if I have gotten used to this new theme now (the bright white with orange) I enjoyed the old darker grey and orange, I think yours are much darker than the older one.

As a fact, I dont have any issues watching this bright default theme of the forum, could be since I saw this in beta way before users and also enjoyed a newer look, and it also looks good on my LCD 19" wide :slight_smile: …though sometimes I think it could be centered to fit it better.

Yes, it is dark (it is solid black). That was the point.

(1) (a) CG artwork displays better against a very dark background, and (b) light text on a dark background is easier to read onscreen.

I very much liked the old Elysiun theme, but again the point wasn’t emulating bygone things. The actual colors used are secondary. In this case, I just used the fancy Color->Invert option in GIMP. Nothing more.

(2) A dark “theme” is easy to do: take the current bright theme and do nothing more than change a few colors.

Finally, there is a pretty even divide among users of this forum between wanting dark and wanting light. Unfortunately (and I’m not accusing you of this), it seems to me that discussion is mute because those for the light theme are dismissing the arguments for a dark theme simply because the current theme is light. Hence, in their minds, they are automagically right --they win a propos.

I don’t think it harms BlenderArtists: our image, our identity, or our user base, to give those users who prefer or need something a little more muted that very option. People who don’t know any better and users who prefer the bright theme couldn’t possibly be unduly afflicted because someone somewhere else on the globe is viewing with a dark theme.

I personally like the light theme. I prefer light, clean lines on a webpage. That said, I’ve had many occasions to take extra time to properly view someone’s art, framed against a dark background, since we scrapped vBulletin…

I hope my thoughts are more clear now.

Hi, I too have got used too the new theme. If you don’t like the theme or wish to have it modified, install Firefox, then the Stylish plugin, then there are many themes available for you to choose from or you can even write your own. Whilst this may not be practical for everyone, if you regularly use the forum, this is currently the best option for modifying the theme. There is even a theme to match the ole Elysiun theme, banner and all.
Thanks, M.A.

Oh hey, I was just thinking that it would be easy to have my browser hijack the CSS and swap it for something else, but I couldn’t remember exactly how to do that, so I guess that’s the answer there.

(I already generally overide form control colors because SO MANY sites set background but not foreground or vice versa, which then implodes depending on my current windows theme settings . . . .)

I’ve been starting to like dark-on-light themes more lately (possibly as a side effect of being more interested in printed work again), but it’s so hard to get them to work out and not be blinding in a variance of interior lighting conditions, especially when you want a high gamut rating for artwork . . .