Hi this is Twilight Blender theme. It’s focus mainly to make blender more sleek and ease to the eyes. The Development still going on, but I would rather freeze it for now and wait for user feedback. I put along my startup blend file that consist of compositing V2 layout that often I use in my workflow. Hope you find this theme useful.
You can grab it here on my github and feel free to write any issues.
V02, graph editor’s green channel is hard to see.
3D view don’t address modeling for long hours.
Also blue color can change and stress/stretch human circadian rhythm.
To make UI as stress free as possible try to avoid colors in the hue range of blue and red. [this is backed by real research]
Red range hue calms if saturation is low. (too calm sometimes, makes one sleepy)
Blue range hue stresses if saturation is high. (makes you stay alert too long)
Also general value (contrasts) needs to be tested in long hour usage.