There are some interesting mapping nodes at Blendswap...type in mapping node or nodes

There are 4 of them. Can 2.79 nodes be used in 2.8? Thanks

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I’m guessing most of the Cycles setups should work. Mapping, as in only changing the driving vector? Can’t see anything there that could have changed. BI, Eevee use? All bets are off. If you link to the nodes in question and tell us where and how you want to use them, it would be easier to check.

If they shade the roughness may have to be checked depending on how old it is.

Link for mapping nodes is in the first post. Thanks

I think they should work, yeah. I didn’t download them.
I have made my own versions that I guess are very similar inside.
Although I don’t do the full remap, only normalization (remap to 0-1).
They may be deprecated, as they are planned to be included in a GSoC upgrade, if it finishes.

Another mapping node I find useful is tri-planar (actually six-planar but I reduced it for my own purposes) mapping with blend support. Too advanced for Eevee, but you can bake out the result in Cycles for Eevee use. I didn’t find it immediately, at least, I don’t think the one I found is the one I mean.

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