there is a little red squre

and i cant get it off and everytime i do render i see only what that in the squre and i need it to my spongebob model that im doing to friend of mine

Click the “Border” button in the Render/Anim (F10) Panel, Render tab. You can turn on this useful feature with Shift-B in camera view.

thanx now i got another problem why cant i see the background?

Please explain in more detail. What background can’t you see, and is it in the 3D view or render? A link to a picture would be helpful.

i put a background of spongebob house
and when i render i cant see him

and i wish to put a pic but i dont know how to crop

i told u i the biggest noob

If you are using the View menu and adding a Background Image, that is only visible in the modeling window, not on render. Here are a few ways to use a 2D image as a background. Each gives different results.

Map the image as a texture on your World. (F8, Texture) The image will “surround” your scene.

Map the image as a texture onto a plane. The image will be like a physical backdrop in your scene so the camera can move around it.

Use a Backbuffer image (F10, select a file in the //backbuf field, turn on Backbuf button). The image will be a fixed background in the render window.