I was just wondering if anyone know why there is a monkey in my mesh menu ! I’m using publisher 2.25. I just noticed it and was wondering if it was supposed to be there or maybe I’m being attacked by a cyber monkey (gotta hate them things), or perhaps one of my meshes evolved…lol
I honestly have no idea, but I think its freakin hilarious
If anyone don’t believe me here it is:
the little simian himself !!!
Back up, nuke drive.
If monkey persists, switch to decaf for a week.
I think I’m going to bed, every time I look though it is there. And when I click on it, it goes oohhh ooohh oohhh
Oh well, my head is hurting so I’ll see what haunts me in my dreams tonight, then I might try and model it on blender tommorow
Yes,… the monkey is part of Blender 2.25 8)
pretty cool dont cha think?
he was put there by W.P. and “Evil ZR”
and also caused a “monkey haters” debate , that became abit
interesting. ( back at the old NaN site)
Ya, he looks great for being in the simple meshes menu…lol. I was starting to wory that a cube or something had imbreed with a sphere.
That’s would’ve been bad probably