there's something gone

there’s something gone

A photocollage kinda thing, made with the Gimp {and ms word for the text :-? } tonight. Dunno what you guys might think of it, take a look and let me know :slight_smile:

That is fantastic. Excellent use of Gimp. But why didn’t you do the text in Gimp?


:slight_smile: thanks. I did the text with Word {then brought it into the Gimp for effects application} because I didn’t want to struggle with a part of Gimp I was inexperienced with at 1 in the morning :stuck_out_tongue:

Everytime my browser gets pointed at I shudder. Man I hate that site. :-? I really don’t have a reason, so don’t ask, but I don’t like going there. :expressionless:

Nice pic/poem but bad link! :< grrrrrrrrrr…

i agree with AROtotheN… for some reason, i don’t like deviant art’s site either.

nice pic tho!

DeviantArt site usually loads slow on a dial-up connection. Use a d/l accelerator that compresses pics ( such as the Earthlink accelerator),
and the site should load VERY fast. OR, go broadband.

I don’t recall saying that the site loads slowly, as if that’s the only reason not to like it. :expressionless:
I use broadband. I still do not like to visit Fo rizzal.

great i don’t know why people are against this link i find it interesting

for some reson I think I don’t like that site either. But that’s a cool picture. How did you do that in the gimp?

its the greens on the site there all similar greens with no acsent colour its just horrible colour scheme (deviant that is the pics great).

or mabey cos its got tart in its name

the pic is nice not shore about the glow on the text but i love the whisps spiraling into a hole of forget thats amazing man ! and i like the words too.