these damn action actuators

hi guys,
Um, slight problem. I can’t get my actions to work in the GE. I bake them, set them up but It does nothing and then crashes when you come back out. dunno why.

It’s wierd though because I can download other peoples .BLENDs with action and they work fine. Whats going on!?

I’m not sure exactly what version I’m using right now, but I think it’s the CVS build.
Any advie would be great.

you need to explain better, or put a print screen!

or put a link to your blend file so we can understand!

we cant help you else, it can be for many many reasons!

Your probably doing something in your action that is unsupported in the game engine. Keep it as simple as possible. Don’t use null bones. Try to find a tutorial in the game engine section if it still doesn’t work.