As the whole world now knows, Sintel is out!
What was your reaction? Did it meet or exceed your expectations?
As the whole world now knows, Sintel is out!
What was your reaction? Did it meet or exceed your expectations?
wow, absolutely stunning… i watched it, and suddenly it was over already, these 15 minutes just went toooo f**** fast… next project: a full length feature film please
A full lenght feature film? That would take forever… Some people will die from impatience.
I thought it was great!!!
they already needed a year to make those few minutes.
There were some fine shots and character animation in this movie.
My mind was blown away.
Blender’s growth is really exponential these days. Now I wonder how far the Sintel game has come along…
You better use the torrent to download it now, people. The speeds are 100%.
I thought it was fantastic.
There is one shot (only a small one) which is my favourite, just before the title where she picks up the staff - looked fantastic, the staff, the snow looked pretty real!
Overall I think it is amazing what has been done - I only wish I had the talent to be involved! (I can act, perhaps I can sign up for the voice acting for the next film! -hmmm… )
Great job guys, didn’t spot the ending coming and certainly felt a lot faster than 15 mins - always the sign of a good film!
Have ordered the DVD as well - got to support great work like this!
Overall well worth the wait and didn’t disappoint!
Enjoy and Have Fun!
Great story for 14 minutes, very well executed. I was especially impressed by the large dragon - modeling, textures, lighting, animation. Wow.
It was amazing it exceeded my expectations far! I loved the twist at the end although it made me cry just a little!
Did anyone notice Proog appearance in the movie?
Yea, in the market selling stuff… but I didn’t see the bird from BBB… Anyone see him?
brilliant movie
Now I have to watch again to find Proog. Awww!
Incredible as the movie is, could we please try to avoid spoiling the ending?
Fantastic! Loved the story and Jan’s music was brilliant. And of course it goes without saying that it looked fantastic.
top quality short… loved every minute of it…
@inatrice i agree the snow looked soo real and the staff well amazed
i agree next year maybe a full length movie using the all the talents of this amazing community
It was excellent!
The visuals were stunning and the story was better than expected. Really amazing
it was awesome! especially the cave scene…
i also liked the soundtrack a lot. that it wasn’t overdone and that there were some silent moments.
the only flaws i noticed are some hair and wing intersections. unfortunately i couldn’t help being distracted a bit by them the first time i watched it (maybe because there was a lot of talk about it on the blog).
Just saw it… twice.
It’s not perfect, but nice really. I enjoyed the ending.
That’s really not what I expected from the story. It’s better then I thought.
Though the whole movie left to many unanswered questions.
Didn’t quite like the voice acting. Lacks enthusiasm. Like, she doesn’t seem to shout loud enough when cheering?
There were some blurry textures that caught my eye… In one spot i didn’t like the lighting… But more or less AweSoMe visuals…
I give this movie a 9/10
Sintel is probably my favorite of the three blender movies.
Though it’s almost at the same place as BBB…
absolutely amazing; mind blown and expectations well and truly surpassed.
congratulations to ton, colin and the team; be proud.
it really felt as much a journey for the viewer as the character and as such i feel it deserves adequate praise.
the story was well thought out and the twist was heartfelt, visuals were bordering on perfect and bearing in mind this was using everything on the edge of blender a few jaggys can be allowed.
all in all i loved it and really felt a progression from elephants and bbb. not detracting from the previous films but i feel this one will silence many blender sceptics and show thats it indeed is down to the script and the artists and team.
a final congratulations and good luck in future.
have a rest =]