They have the power ! (Upd 24/01)


I had this in mind since a while …

Modelled with Blender
Rendered with Yafray
Some post-process with Gimp
The feet have been rendered with Blender Internal using the buffer shadow tips to get a SSS like fx ( )

C&C are of course welcome

wow. Thats just awesome! And the title matches is perfectly:) Good job.

1 Like

Excellent rendering…!! good job…

that image is artistic and realistic, very nice modeling and textures. Awesome job :slight_smile:

Very good work Enrico, the render is very interesting (scene composition, textures) and the HDRI lighting is used with sense.

I see some compression artifacts in the image though. what is the original resolution? have you you scale it down?
I also see a bit of lack of sharpness, maybe is related with the compression issue or maybe is a limitation of yafray.
Another question is the filament brightness, I think it can be improved, but I’m sure you have worked a lot on it.
What solution have you used?

Perfect! Impossible to Crit.

5 stars + gallery matterial!

Keep your awesome work coming!
I love it.

Very nice, inspired by Tom Holt?

great concept and execution. your frog would get roasted but hey comes with the job. maybe the skin is a bit to paperish.
but verry nice

not bad…not bad at all…4 stars…

The feet look a bit flat though.

Great idea, great realisation, great rendering,… !
Important message!
Only the texture of the bulps metal is a bit to grainy/bumpy for my taste, but that is just to find anything…

Great piece here. Very powerful concept and you pulled it off very well.


Certainly gallery material - congrats on the piece :slight_smile:

Hello, Enricoceric.
Great image, but to be honest at first I didn’t understand it was the second froggy to give power to the lamp, probably because the light emitted from the lamp is too low compared to the ambient lightning and so barely noticeable. For example, the frog on the bulb should be, IMHO, more illuminated from the bottom (from the filament, that is) and a bit more dark on the back (as the rest of the image). In short, too much ambient light in the background.
For the rest, great job as usual.
My two cents.

Wow that is amazing nice model and render.

those are cute looking frogs ( I know i’m strange, but I love animals! )…
Great modeling and rendering! so five stars from me…

Very nice render! I think the bump map on the frogs is a bit too uniform, and I also wonder if the reflection of the windows on the light bulb would be that distorted, since light bulbs are usually smoother than that.

These are very minor critiques, though. This is excellent work!

I like this! Nice lighting, and the textures look very nice(if too bright for my taste). The whole image looks smooth.
5 stars(nice lighting & textures, maybe not my style, but I can appreciate :wink: )

Ahem - are you implying that frogs are a viable source of renewable energy? Why don’t you model a car that runs on frogs then?

Ha, just kidding…
-you tree hugging pseudo-hippie…

Very nice piece, by the way. Good use of color; very clean.

Very nice render.