I made this; but can you tell me what it looks like?
It looks like an unfinished half pipe, or a future one… but it took about 10 refreshs just to get the whole picture downloaded… anyway, funky, but neat
I counted eight.
A visionary set design for a play.
But I could be wrong…
…all i see is the top half of… something…
yeah same jeeve, i thought it was just me LOL
p.s. i use netscape and your image loads half then quickly disapears because it suposedly contains errors.
but the funny thing is that i get a different amount of the image loading each time.
OK I know why it doesn’t work - it’s because breezeland has completely stopped working and none of their pages load up, let alone mine.
i think it looks like a walkway inside a powerstation
there, now i see it, i dsy it looks like those slide thingies that monorails have when there’s problems… if you don’t know what i’m talking about, then too damn bad, i’m not explaining it
i think that a magnetic half pipe for future boards could be really nice