This is a white shark (now with body).

Hi. This is a link to a wip page, about a Great White Shark I am working now, to be put in my ocean (that you can see in its thread somewhere on elysiun, named “this is an ocean”).
I am focusing mainly on texturing, since this is my most complex uv texturing right now. The model is anatomically correct.

i added the body model (with closed jaws); texturized version will come soon; finished scene will be posted on Finished Works

i added an image ; it’s at 60% of completeness now; tell me what ya think

Some theet are texturized, some not. More and better images will follow soon.

el sup (subcom_antonio on irc)

Wauw :o
looks very realistic
only remark would be the teeth, though I can’t quite put my finger to it, something about the reflection and ‘ribbons’ to the side of the texture bugs me
nice work, though


Looks awesome. You should get tuhopuu for doing the fins. the knife tool would be perfect.

Nice start :slight_smile:

Gums are maybe too red (unless he has just eaten…) and teeth to ‘shiny’ but the outher texture is very nice!


s68 : well the image will be a gore one, so i need the gums really red :stuck_out_tongue:

and about the specularity, i didnt do specular and normal mapping, but only the diffuse one

the texturing is made in gimp apart from some in-blender texture painting (i am using the shark to learn some intruments i never used)

thanks for thre replies :slight_smile:

el sup (subcom_antonio on irc)

With that red of gums, I’d like to see some blood on the teeth.

Looking superb so far, the pose is just right. Are you planning on using Booleans to create the gills?


sonix : mmm i never used booleans in such a contest… i guess i will just model them by hand, like for the rest if the face

besode that, i had an idea for an image using the head of the shark, and i am trying to finish it

the problem with this shark is that once in the water, everything will look made of blue gradients, and the blood will be waved away :frowning:

el sup

I won’t use booleans in this case.

Your shark is clearly a Subsurfed mesh, and booleans works like *#@%&£ on a Subsurfed mesh, they create triangles, bad triangles, even leave some seam open… definitely ugly.


yeah the head is a sds, though i freezed it for the rendering;

akira kurosawa once said that “the point of view over your scene is a moral matter”, and well it’s true… it’s since yesterday that i try to decide for a point of view for this little “crossover scene” i am doing for the shark… bah

thanks for the replies

el sup