Hi. This is a link to a wip page, about a Great White Shark I am working now, to be put in my ocean (that you can see in its thread somewhere on elysiun, named “this is an ocean”).
I am focusing mainly on texturing, since this is my most complex uv texturing right now. The model is anatomically correct.
i added the body model (with closed jaws); texturized version will come soon; finished scene will be posted on Finished Works
i added an image ; it’s at 60% of completeness now; tell me what ya think
Wauw :o
looks very realistic
only remark would be the teeth, though I can’t quite put my finger to it, something about the reflection and ‘ribbons’ to the side of the texture bugs me
nice work, though
Your shark is clearly a Subsurfed mesh, and booleans works like *#@%&£ on a Subsurfed mesh, they create triangles, bad triangles, even leave some seam open… definitely ugly.
yeah the head is a sds, though i freezed it for the rendering;
akira kurosawa once said that “the point of view over your scene is a moral matter”, and well it’s true… it’s since yesterday that i try to decide for a point of view for this little “crossover scene” i am doing for the shark… bah