This is an ocean (SLIGHTLY UPDATED) (again) (and again)

VERY VERY COOL! a tutorial would be crucial to me!!! looks overly cool!!!

cant u post a little sneak peak animation just from the water? simple camera flying around or so… I want to see that ocean animated , cos it looks awesome :o

QWERT : right now most of the animation is done by offsets variations and some tricks on displaced planes. I have barely the time to go on with my experiments, so i dont think i have enough time to sit and learn coding the API of blender :frowning: (not now anyway)

i try to find time to go on with my blender works also cos i introduced blender as tool in a studio and i can get money as freelance from them, thing that i REALLY need in those times

about a short animation to post : as i said, i will post it after finishing the other two projects i am working on :slight_smile:

thanks again for the comments!

about the mediterranean : in my site there are pictures i toke of the island i live in (where i was born too) – take a look if you want ! :smiley:

el sup

GREAT water ! Terragen quality !
I’d love you to post a .blend but a tutorial would be much better so we can understand this technique ! What procedurals are you using ?
Eagerly awaiting the animation !
(way too many exclamation marks in that paragraph :slight_smile: )

I just say:

Awsome CG results! whatever tool it is made with :wink:

the brain is the best tool, good luck with your animation!

cant wait to see it ! :smiley:

Amazing renderings. Really really cool.

But that pdf was…Overly complex? I saw a bunch of math junk and left it alone.

wow i like it it looks really good.

NICE! I would also like a tut :slight_smile:


amazing waters there el sup! i’m going to read that pdf, looks a little complex. hehe looks like people are looking for a tutorial :smiley:

amazing update!

when can we see anything cool animated?

From the reason or the other I can see only the top part from every image. This saddens me, because I also would like to see the water efekt everyone is so higly praising.

I really like the look of the water surface – very realistic waves and highlights. You did a GREAT job showing wind changes – I am on the Princeton University Sailing Team, so I watch for this on a regular basis. I can see where I’d want a boat in those scenes.

I have been out on the water sailing a lot in the past month, so I have a couple of comments based on my observations. This is VERY nitpicky, so you can choose to ignore it, as it might be nearly impossible to do in Blender (or to do in general). Although your surfaces are quite correct, there is a problem with the water’s properties. It looks nearly opaque, especially in the picture with the starship. In the ocean, light filters down to a considerable depth, and is scattered back up. The ocean is an extreme example of subsurface scattering (look up Henrik Wann Jensen on Google, and take a look at the milk image at for examples). If you can find some way to hack this in Blender, I would be blown away.

Anyhow, Happy Blending!

meestaplu : i really appreciated your constructive critics – right now i am quite aware of the bad sides in my technique – there are some things that i just cant get done in blender, since i have not a raytracer to work with, and everything must be faked – beside that, the current implementation is quite poor, though some images are nice, and i am currently trying to find a way to adjust the specularity and get rid of the platic-look that my water is showing under certain circumstances –

when i got your reply i was trying to put some order in the layers of textures and to get a more believable light behaving – i hope to post better wips soon –

oh, and thanks for the link – i will read it carefully, though i know the basic theory behind subsurface scattering and i guess it wont be easy to do it in blender, at least for me now, cos i have really few time to work on it

feel free to post all the crits you have

el sup (subcom_antonio on irc)

For some reason the new images don’t display, but no matter, I can see them fine on your site, and once more they are very, VERY impressive for blender ! I think the one with the starship looks especially real… though I suppose I’d have to agree with meestaplu about the subsurface scattering. Maybe an environment map too ?

I don’t have the foggiest idea what that pdf was all about, so please excuse the chant : TUTORIAL ! TUTORIAL ! TUTORIAL !!

I’ve read the PDF.
It’s very interresting. Certainly it’s the stuff you could build in Blender, as a extra kind of procedural texture in the World button.
These days almost everybody has a Ghz+ CPU in their computers. So, I think that this extra function won’t bog down Blender if programmed correctly.

Thats really good

are the images showing up in the elysiun thread? it seems my host changed the terms of contract, so the links to files other than html are not working anymore – that’s why i added a direct link to the page of my site with all the ocean images –

i am kinda stopping working on the ocean now, since i am quite happy with the look it has now and i have to do some more stuff for the videoclip – maybe i will add newer wips if i get rid of some troubles with the light scattering i am trying to simulate in a better way –

thanks to all the people that replied and that gave critics and advices, even the ones that thought me to be a lamer posting terragen images :stuck_out_tongue: !

i guess that sharing is what makes so nice the nights spent sweating on our works – thanks again, adios

el sup

PS : i will post a tutorial on “making photorealistic oceans in blender” once i will finish the technique, though everything is still quite un-elegant ; i guess i will remove all the python, cos i’ve found a way to fake it with an easier to share tecnique, that it’s faster too – we’ll see – bye.

It looks good