Hi, what an annoying website this is: liked the old forums much better. Doubt this will get any play nor looks or views.
Anyway. I work on an opensource engine. I’m sure linking is not allowed here so I’ll not tell you what it is because that’s probably forbidden (ill save that for post 2). It’s 2mb big. It’s one you know. Recently we coded using .obj models as maps into the engine and game code: and obj models from various opensource games (mine test (.obj_from_mc), bzflag (.obj_from_bz)), aswell as exported from Blender.
Now: what other games thought and obj should be was different than the standard (normals were sometimes wrong, orientation was different between them (ofcourse), scale, etc, bzflag obj didn’t show up at all unless put through blender and reexported, at first. We had to do custom code to accept bzflag obj in game )
Anyway you can now map entirely in Blender, export to our game, and you’re good. Even have seperate map lists for the various different types (bsp, obj_from_mc, obj_from_bz). You can also scale it as you wish using directives in the file name. So it can account for all types.
Now … we need help, im not saying you’ll help us, or will even read this… but we like the .t3d map/model format from the old unreal editor. Lots of people still use that editor. It’s kinda like .obj, but kinda like xml. We just did some coding today and have the vertex info parsing (but that doesn’t give us surfaces etc). Anyway…
We did work to get Blender as a supported mapping platform for our opensource game (the media is opensource too), and achieved that.
Now, we’d like to add more model formats. Specifically this .t3d one. We’ve made a simple map/model and exported it from that editor, and attached them to our posts on our own project. We also found opensource ase to t3d code and opensource .unr (binary model format) viewer code. So there are examples.
We are dumb though and don’t really know 3d formats. We can hack around, write the maps by hand ourselves, all that kind of stuff. But when it comes to parsing it for this engine, though it has a nice obj importer we’ve edited and changed etc; we’re not sure of things.
Like: Why does the vertex info do nothing and you basically need a copy of the vertex info in “face” format to have anything? What was the point of v 128 209 2182 to begin with then in .obj format?
We don’t get it.
So … could you join our project and help us with more model formats? We just want .t3d for now. A “simple obj like” text format. We allready have an .obj parser (and bsp parser and all that too)
So maybe it wouldn’t be too impossible with help? We took a crack at it allready today and got some vertex info in the game from it…