Why is that so similar?
Because it’s a modified version of Blender. From the sidebar on their website:
Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3d software Blender. And, similar to Blender, of course also open source and under the GPL v2 or higher, better said in the sum under GPL v3 license. The primary goal of the Bforartists fork is to deliver a better graphical UI and a better usability. This means a complete switch in the useage philosophy. Away from the hotkey and speed centered useage. Towards a user friendly and intuitive graphical UI.
Totally legal to sell too if they wanted.
They are not affiliated with Blender. They just copy it and make it on their own. If they claim that their software is better than Blender, they should rewrite the software from scratch. Even though it is legal, but it is wrong.
Well the point of using source code is either to solve a problem or to improve it.
I have not heard of a coder wasting hours of his life with the goal to take source code that is open source and make it worse.
The whole point of open source is to take the source and use it as the basis of your own project or use the source to learn and then use that knowledge to make your own software. That’s the whole point of having open source apps, open source coding tools, open source coding libraries and even open source programming languages.
If none uses the source code in their own project, kinda defies the purpose of calling it open source in the first place.
Taking a step back from the whole open source thing, there is a point where one is better off simply doing their own thing without strings attached to it, and it has been a while since I talked with them, but their goal was to rewrite…everything in blender…why not just make new at that point? That is kinda like that joke about the axe belonging to Abe Lincoln, 'cept that the head and handle was replaced a few times.
Oh no, do you know what you have reopened?
well, I’ll go grab the popcorn…
No that’s not their goal, learn to read
Kinda make a good point there, save some popcorn for me too
Sorry, i was basing what I Said before on one on one discussions with them.
Well, that and past forum posts of theirs, and some comments they had on their page, but I’ll work on that reading thing, thank you for pointing that out for me.
no problemo , glad to be of assistance
Still, can you help me with this a bit, I mean what if I read several dozen posts on long lists of things that they say is wrong with blender that they intend to change, but then they say something that while it does not contradict that but it omits that, does that mean they no longer intend to do those other things? While you are helping me.
Blender is 2 million lines of code, even double the current team of Blender could not rewrite it in a year.
No idea what they said and why and frankly I do not care. We all have dreams that fail, we all make promises we cannot keep, none is perfect.
If you really want to learn you should not be asking me but the devs working on this fork. I have my own fork of Blender and I know why its so rare to see a Blender fork, its a pain in the hat to modify the source code in such a massive project.
In any case I have nothing more useful to add to this conversation.
You cared enough to call me out in a comment, and yeah, i guess you have nothing useful to add to this discussion. Still you did seem to represent that you knew what they said before when you corrected me.
But yeah we did have some talks on the whole million lines of code thing and the whole logistics of needed manpower/ technical expertise with them before, but if I recall he told me that my opinion was invalid due to me being “phobic about introducing children to penises”, I would look for the actual screenie I took of the quote but I just ate.
Bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3d software Blender. And, similar to Blender, of course also open source and under the GPL v2 or higher, better said in the sum under GPL v3 license. The primary goal of the Bforartists fork is to deliver a better graphical UI and a better usability. This means a complete switch in the useage philosophy. Away from the hotkey and speed centered useage. Towards a user friendly and intuitive graphical UI.
here is a quote from their site.
Why is it wrong? This is the very heart of the open source movement, and it’s a thing to be celebrated. If someone has a different opinion on the direction of Blender’s development, they are free to create their own fork. That fork can either die due to lack of interest, flourish as a good alternative, or be re-integrated back into the main fork if it does indeed turn out to be overall better.
We can thank this methodology for the many flavors of linux to choose from, including the ones likely operating many pieces of technology in your home.
The GPL allows forking as well as the creation of a modified version of the software, in fact allowing this is one of the main points of an opensource ecosystem (in the case the base project goes in a highly negative direction).
The reason why bForartists is still quite similar, save for some UI changes, is that they don’t have resources which would allow them to really chart their own path as a competitor. That is also a likely reason why version 2 will simply add the 2.8 features with Tiles’ own take on the UI and workflow.
Also to keep in mind. Blender has actually been forked several times over the years, but many die out after a while. The BF is so well funded with so many developers compared to the new teams that they don’t have much chance of really taking off.