Segfaults! But if I insert a rot keyframe by hand, and run it, it aparently works, I can see lines in the ipo window, but the object still doesn’t move.
crashes on my pc too, like such ‘link’ lines did on 228
simplistic workaround:
when you create an object, just add an ipo to it in f6 window. Then just addCurve-s and points to it’s already present ipo (which acts as a sort of placeholder and prevents ‘link’ crashes) and do curve.update() via your script. Works smooth for me. I guess simpler=better in such turbulent times :-).
btw: there is a plea for rvk help down in the forum. Can some of gurus ‘p l e a s e’ look at it, contemplate it and ‘please again’ post some sort of working snippet. (this is above my comprehention plus, it kills my time badly)