This will be minecraft in 2014

Made with Blender, Zbrush, and Substance.


that is the most crazy thing i ever seen today !


Wow! This is so cool! :open_mouth: :exploding_head:


Ough i hate this (< affectionate).

Its a missed opportunity that you didn’t add detail to the shoes.

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Is the name of the image a typo by any chance, 2014 was ten years ago?

Warner has missed a major opportunity to make Minecraft Steve look like this guy instead of just having Jack Black look like himself but with a blue shirt on. They can’t really afford to have such oversights considering the sheer number of game-based movies that are about being sucked into an alternative universe and the cast having to figure out how to get home.


This is wonderfully cursed, and I absolutely love it! The detail is incredible, and it definitely falls into the category of “fictional characters in real life” artwork that makes me geek out every time I see em.

Great job!

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Nah it’s a meme

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Why does this look so much like Nick Offerman to me?
Perfect casting.
Fantastically well done work.

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NO! Noooo! Kill it with fire!

Good work,though, definitely gets a reaction…!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Cool!! At least it has some good textures on! LOL

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jaja amazing!

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hyperrealistic Steve? I Love it! This will look great with those Miencraft RTX-Shaders!


I was seeing this one coming by someone but looks way better than I imagined it! Well done!
I agree, this is how it should come in the movies :slight_smile:


lol - nicely done.

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It’s sick but in a good way! Real character. Loving the texturing.

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