those buggering booleans

ok, im getting rather annoyed with this, so i made an experiment. i have the body of a toaster, and i want to make a groove for the slot where the thing monger is that you push down.

Download the Blend file here

no matter what i do, it just seems to give me crud. any ideas?



I looked at your blend file and my approach would be to forget using Booleans and model a slot into the end of the toaster body. Subdivide and move some verts and then delete a row to create the slot.

i wonder if it would be entireley unreasonable or un-doable for them to make a feature where you say w > cut, then click the object you want to keep, and then click the object’s shape you want cut out of it. i dunno. just a thought. thanks for replying anyway CurtisS

I think that Stefano (S68) wrote a knife script. I haven’t tried it but it might be worth a look.

When I model I really try to think ahead about what details will be needed as I create a mesh (I know… hindsight is 20/20). I usually always draw out an idea however crude to use as a reference so I will know that I need to add an additional extrusion here or subdivide there. My approach to your toaster would be to model from the top down adding the slots for bread and the pop-up thingy as I went. Okay, I am done rambling. :slight_smile:

yeah, thanks man, using that i did this


its on the WIP forum now, im going to learn Yafray for it