hi all
dont get me wrong because many us people could get offended here. i am from europe, grow up in two countries and i studied for 2 semester in the us.
today i saw the thread about the picurte which.
in my opinion this here is an 3d forum. i dont realy like this amerikan way of freedom of speech since in the us there is no freedom of speech.
but this has a very complicated connection to the us history culture and politics.
we are here dealing with art. i dont know if anybody here had classes and i mean professional classes for photography and life drawing. when you take a look at art in different culutres than there explicit images are presented as well since sex is not only sex.
from the point of an artist it is more something that happens not only having fun with a partner. i realiyed that in the us people are very konservative when it comes about sex. but on houseparties they show a different behavior. if you love sex well thats fine butthan alos stay with it and dont hide it like most people i met at the uw stout.
here in europe sex is part of our culture we dont hide it. kids can drink with 18 but start a lot younger and when we are aroun 20 we got used to it and can handle it.
i feel pretty sad that even here at the forum people talk about taking away this image or not. i never saw it but requeted an preview to get to know it.
you cannot devide art into good and bad. there are only gifted or not gifted artists.
well i know there are small kids here as well jumping around but should be follow their needs??? here???
I hate to edit posts, and your reasoning is not intrinsecally wrong
but we don’t want this site to be responsible for spawning pornography.
So, even if I agree that these kind of links can be found everywhere I still prefear that they are found elsewhere
just again i dont want to offend everybody. i would just be happy about knowing that is possible to post what you like.