thoughts about the sexual content

hi all

dont get me wrong because many us people could get offended here. i am from europe, grow up in two countries and i studied for 2 semester in the us.

today i saw the thread about the picurte which.

in my opinion this here is an 3d forum. i dont realy like this amerikan way of freedom of speech since in the us there is no freedom of speech.
but this has a very complicated connection to the us history culture and politics.

we are here dealing with art. i dont know if anybody here had classes and i mean professional classes for photography and life drawing. when you take a look at art in different culutres than there explicit images are presented as well since sex is not only sex.

from the point of an artist it is more something that happens not only having fun with a partner. i realiyed that in the us people are very konservative when it comes about sex. but on houseparties they show a different behavior. if you love sex well thats fine butthan alos stay with it and dont hide it like most people i met at the uw stout.

here in europe sex is part of our culture we dont hide it. kids can drink with 18 but start a lot younger and when we are aroun 20 we got used to it and can handle it.

i feel pretty sad that even here at the forum people talk about taking away this image or not. i never saw it but requeted an preview to get to know it.

you cannot devide art into good and bad. there are only gifted or not gifted artists.

well i know there are small kids here as well jumping around but should be follow their needs??? here???

I hate to edit posts, and your reasoning is not intrinsecally wrong
but we don’t want this site to be responsible for spawning pornography.

So, even if I agree that these kind of links can be found everywhere I still prefear that they are found elsewhere

just again i dont want to offend everybody. i would just be happy about knowing that is possible to post what you like.



I close my eyes and see the thread plumet away beneath me to 56 pages.

oh no… :o

not again…

Exactly, hasn’t this topic been covered already?

than just close or remove it.

I had to remove the link for the reasons stated in your post between <edit> tags

For locking, well, the other was locked because of personal attacks…



hi ken

terrible storry. this is a awefull but reality since many generations. i just guess you mean me with your first three words.

banning those material since they should make people doing those things is the same like banning first person shooters since they train kids how to apply a head shot.

her ein germany we had this discussion about removing these games.

but does it work? you have to ask yourself the question why do so many people use guns in the us why not in germany??? why do men rape women?

and the answer will not be since the played those games or saw sexual material. it has other sozial and cultural reasons.

so banning those stuff is dumb as useless since it does not change anything but prevent yourself to learn to deal with it.

when those games make you dangerous than man i must be a serial killer.

Hi s68

no prob editing my post.

but i dont see here anybody spaming porn.

maybe it will be helpfull if everybody studies art and design.
maybe than some people here will think different and realize that
the puff work is art and has a pretty deep meaning.

some people think that when you can draw you are an artist.
very wrong drawing is a technik and has nothing to do with art.


Hi cekuhnen,

First, quoted from the other thread

If you take this statement the intention to post the pic is quite clear. Provocation and fun.
Though provocation and fun can be means of art, here it’s a quite poor intention because it’s not very innovative.
Showing explicit sexual content has been done a lot but never really became an –ism.

The question what is art is more a philosophical one and hard (not) to answer.
You might see a deeper meaning in the pic, others have stated why such pics shouldn’t be shown here.

My question would be: Is there a good reason to post it here ?

What about racistic pics ? Is there a good reason to post them ?
What about fascistic pics ? Is there a good reason to post them ?
What about cruel violence ? Is there a good reason to post them ?
What about paedophilia ? Is there a good reason to post them ?
What about torture ? Is there a good reason to post them ?
What about anti-some nation/group ? Is there a good reason to post them ?

I don’t think so.

Woah, no meed to appolagize, I was just implying art and sex can fuel very long debates.


everything must be taken in context.

I did a peice full of images of the holocaust and jews being killed and swastikas and so on (BTYW i am jewish) for school, but it is art, because I am making a point about how horrible the holocaust was.

If someone posted a racist image, but it was to promote equality that is fine.

if someone posts pornography to make a point about it, whether it is that pornography is good, or bad, then let them make it. Art is what you make of it.

An 18+ rating would be useful so that only members with birthdays in thier profiles allowing them to be over 18 would be nice, and if you find sexual images offensive, simply avoid posts that contain a caution. I, for one, find it offensive that it is against the rules to post sexual images, but someone being blown apart by an AK47, or a freakish surgery patient being tortured is considered artistic… violence is clearly a terrible thing… sex? It’s where we all come from.

( I am going to leave it at that now, this sort of thread, as has been pointed out, can run and run, but for me, after what has happend recently, it is just to painfull)

That’s attitude seems contrary to the spirit of discussion. A thread that can run on and on does so only if those that post are interested enough to do so. I could assume much about your motivations for posting and your wish to leave it at that, I won’t, but please accept that no-one so far has posted with malicious intent… it’s a discussion.

No doubt any one can come up with wonderfull arguments to counter what I have said, but before you do, just take a moment to look around, really look around at what is happening in the world, and argue with yourself first.

Those of us who were sent to Vietnam (against our will for many of us) have been arguing with ourselves for years. Some were mortaly affected (by the stark reality as opposed to your advertising analogy) and some were not. Your argument suggests that society as a whole should accept and conform to standards that allow no-one to be affected. Unfortunately, in the US this is already the status quo where, as a simple, generalized example, because less than one percent of arrests in the past have resulted in armed conflict with the police, now it is standadard procedure to arrest everyone at gunpoint. It’ not like this in any of the other 10 countries I have lived in.
I could give many more examples that relate to the school system, the legal system, housing, credit etc… the end result being that society now has to conform to standards derived from considering only the interests of lowest common denominator.
I’m not arguing that advertising etc has no effect, but that advertising etc tailored to allow for only the lowest common denominator is not advertising, and the same is true for art.


its one thing to allow yourself to be affected in a generally positive or neutral way, but another to allow yourself to be affected to such a great negative extent from an internet image made by someone you dont even know

even if it does hit you close to home, if i can affect you from so far away, if i could have that much power over you from my computer chair, imagine my possibilities in person… i could have you commit suicide with just my handshake…

Hmmm, all this fuss over that same image.

No offense, but those who took offense from the image should just shut up.

I admit it wasnt a nice image and was quite graphic. But

  1. it was not realistic it was a cartoon.
  2. its just an image
  3. like blengine said if you offended by that, then i cant imagine what you would be like in real life.
  4. with things that you take offense to its best to just ignore, that way it should upset you less
  5. sorry for any offense i have caused in this post

Does you think that no. 5 is nessecery, i dont. But if people are offended by digital images on they’re computer monitor, then im sure that this could offend you.

Come on people get over yourselves.

Im forced to agree with L13… I think it was me who first sudgested buttercup was a dyke thus starting this whole thing, therefor I have seen most of the fireworks

if your actually offended by the powermuff image then you are one (or more) of the below

1: Uptight
2: Humorless
3: Seaking attention
4: Stupid

i say stupid because… if you see a topic title that says ‘powerpuff girls (warning nudity)’ WTF do you expect… i mean… exactly how retarded do you need to be to not work it out for yourself,
its not like its going to be tastefull sepiatone artistic images of pre pubesent catroon characters

as for those of you who have been implying that blengine is sick or unhinged, well… I would rather leave my children with blengine who faces up to the ‘dark side’, laughs. and carries on with his life than ‘someone’ who gets all wound up and bitchy and is probably going to try to impose there personal morals on them… after all… that sort fo person is invariably hiding something from society… or more often, from themselves

oh man

interesting what such a cute and funny pictue could do. i would even not get offended when someone takes a shot of sexual action and put in a 3d made objekt.

why are people even get offended by such a natural topic???

if someone posts one image after the next one and all are just pure sex photos ok that should be removed since it does not fit in here.

or if he shows stuff because he wants to share it, like mh girls getting raped or whites gang banged in the car by blacks.

even when few minors are here i dont know if thats enough to bann those puff stuff beccause of their age. how could this affect them???

how can this image affect a young human who knows most of the stuff about it already???

i just cannot see the relations here.

Yes i know that minor often use these forums. But if they are surely they’re parents know that they are suing the net, and the dangers!

People are not censored on the ent, and i also agree that people should not be censored on elysiun.

But maybe the problem is the age gap. I think Blengine belongs to the younger generation just as i do. There are some people who browse the forums and belong to the older generation. If this is the case i would have thought that thney would have realised it was a joke, or that it was created by sum teenager and would have just thought nothing of it and left it alone. But for it to still be causing a fuss, then maybe we should take a step back and look at what we are doing.

Also Blengine, i like the controversy you have caused, i think thats kinda what you expected.

May i also say that Blengine is a great 3D artist and has probably done images that some of his critics could never imagine of creating. Therefore i dont think they have the right to call him sick.

Even tho he may just have a bit of a different sense of humour that doesnt make him sick. :wink:



What about racistic pics ? Is there a good reason to post them ?
What about fascistic pics ? Is there a good reason to post them ?
What about cruel violence ? Is there a good reason to post them ?
What about paedophilia ? Is there a good reason to post them ?
What about torture ? Is there a good reason to post them ?
What about anti-some nation/group ? Is there a good reason to post them ?

If it wasnt today for images of just these things then surely we wouldnt have known ahow evil Nazis, Racists, Paedofiles, and Facists.

You also have to consider that if someone posted these kind of images, maybe them, themselves thought there to be a good reason. Just because your morals dont agree doesnt mean you have to impose them. I’ve seen alot of things in time (GOD im sounding like an olf Foggy) which at the time i thought were disgusting or whatever. But i have realised since they have made me into a more rounded educated person.

Also i noticed a bit of anit-americaism in the first post of this thread but i dont see people going nutts about that?

(I’m not american and i could care less whether you are anti-american or not, my beleif is that they are a good people with better morals than some of the other countries in Europe.)