i’m not a programmer, but my brain have born such an idea of a modeling tool which could be very useful. i can’t get access to blender.org forum to post this thread. my email is banned occasionally.
i have attached an image of how it should work.
it should work with edges. the way of some extruding.
Im not sure its worth a tool
in face select mode select the two faces,e(xtrude) then enter, go into edge select and select the top edge and move where you want…
Not necessarily true. Have you seem 3dsMax’s interface? Little futzy single purpose tools all over the place. Hundreds of them, thousands… But just try to do a simple loop cut, or connect two random vertices with an edge. (I’m sure there’s a tool to do it, somewhere…)
this is a bad example, man. have a look at lightwave, modo, xsi. these editors have a mass of tools. and every user deside what tools he wants use, and what doesn’t want.
if other people think like you, so this thread is dead. (
Well, maybe it is a bad example. I’m not familiar with xsi, lightwave or modo. But let’s just look at Blender. All the hot keys are assigned to something, so your new tool would have to be on a menu somewhere, most likely a script menu, since that’s the way a tool like this would probably be introduced (basically duplicating denshidan’s method with a python script.) It might even wind up on a sub menu, since, if we go with the “add a new tool for each situation” philosophy, we’d have hundreds of them, too.
So, to use the tool, I’d have to mouse away from the mesh to the window header, click on a menu, mouse over to the scripts menu, click on it, find the script (or the submenu), click on it, and then get a pop-up to click OK on to invoke the tool. Which would give me a selected edge I could then move somewhere. I hate to rain on your parade, mifth, but denshidan’s way sounds much more straightforward.
ps. also modo’s interface does NOT have hundreds of single purpose tools. It has a moderate amount of tools and about a dozen falloffs and action centers, which, when combined allow you to perform just about any modeling function you can dream up.