Thrown Object Script

Heres my next script. this one simulates a force upon the selected object by using the RotX, RotZ and Size Y of an object, usually and empty, named Throw.

# 	Throw                    
# 	V 1.0                      
# By Justin 'MacBlender' MacArthur 
# User Vars

FPS = 25	# Frame Rate
Units = 2	# Number of Units per meter
starttime = 1	# Start frame
endtime = 100	# End frame

# Script

import Blender
from Blender import Object, Ipo
import math

frame = 0
current = Blender.Get('curframe')

throw = Object.Get ('Throw')

tossx = throw.RotX
tossz = throw.RotZ
speed = (throw.SizeY*Units)/FPS

Vvel = math.sin(tossx)*speed
Hvel = math.cos(tossx)*speed

Obj = Object.GetSelected()[0]
name = "Throwipo" + str(Obj.getName())

ipo = Ipo.New('Object', name)
locxc = ipo.addCurve('LocX')
locyc = ipo.addCurve('LocY')
loczc = ipo.addCurve('LocZ')

for c in [locxc,locyc,loczc]:

grav = FPS * FPS

for i in range(starttime,endtime):
	H = math.sin(tossz)*Hvel
	I = math.cos(tossz)*Hvel
	G = (((9.81*Units)/grav)*frame)-Vvel
	X = Obj.LocX-H
	Y = Obj.LocY+I
	Z = Obj.LocZ-G
	Obj.setLocation(X, Y, Z)
	frame = frame + 1
	Blender.Set('curframe', current+frame)

print "Throw done."

it worked for me so i hope it works for you.

thanks to Theeth for his help with getting this script to work right.

get the script and a demo blend file here Thanks all :smiley: