I’ve been working on a little short animation. Here’s one of the characters. He’s kind of a dock worker thug type character. What do you think? Any crits would be appreciated. I think I’ll begin UV mapping him soon.
I am just impressed at how much professional this mesh appears. Did you make the mesh in one set piece or are there many pieces ie shoes, beannie, jacket ? Other than that I cannot offer advice on this as that field is quite new to me too.
Great character and modelling, there is one thing though, I don’t think the biker boots suit him, I would try perhaps some paratrooper boots, aka monkey boots, maybe. something with laces. maybe some of those light brown work boots.
he kinda reminds me of some one from Team Fortress…the big dude…
his jeans lack detail…other then that 5stars
good job
also it could be just the angle but his shins look flat
Top notch work man! I love what you did with the face. Are you planning on animating him?
Very very nice model. Your character has the character and personality. Good mix of realistic and cartoon style. Proportions are just right. And the topology is simply perfect for rigging, shape keys and animation.
Simply very professional piece here.
Looking forward your progress.
I have already rated 5 stars as my credit for progress is already really high
Hey, thanks everybody for the great comments!!
Howitzer: Yep, he’ll be animated. I’ve got this idea for an odd incident in a laundromat late one night. Stay tuned… :eyebrowlift:
Lilgrudgeboy: I hope to add more detail to the jeans with texturing. We’ll see how that goes. And I’ll take a look at those shins.
Modron: The animation will take place in the 1970s. I’ll have to do more research as to what a thug like this would have worn then. You may be right about the boots.
kbot: I modeled the body of the character first and then selected the polys that make up the coat, duplicated them (Shift+D), and then separated them § to make a new object. I then used that as a base to model the details of the jacket. Same for the hat, jeans, and turtleneck shirt. Once all the pieces were done, I select all the objects and combined them back into one object (Ctrl+J).
Great Model and topology. I’m not sure about the proportions. He almost seems a little too skinny, possibly something looks odd under the arms, kind of like he couldn’t put his hands at his sides if he wanted to and as such it might be difficult to animate without looking too stiff. Just a thought, other than that looks great:)
Deforming that pole right in the armpit might give you some trouble. Looks great though. Looks like Brick from borderlands. Cheers
I’m sure you’ve seen it but anyway. Here is a good topology reference for animation. http://www.blendercookie.com/2010/08/03/male-and-female-torso/
And here I was, trying to model everything as one piece- great work mate, I admire the clean topology.