thythimus...*UPDATE #2*

since i dont find myself working much on my mech i decided to start something else.i am still going to finish my mech, i figure i can work on two projects at a time.

oh and btw…its going to be some type of hybrid…mech/organic-alien type thing

heres my first renders.



i named it Lythimus(is that even a word?)

oh C&C, and if you guys have any ideas for it then speak up.

its um…interesting, but what is it? ship/car/alien of the future?

its supposed to be a mechanical alien. …all that i have at the moment is the startings of the very top of his head. like i said this is going to be huge.

it doesnt have its shape yet tho…in couple updates you guys will get the feel of it…hopefully.

and i am going to have to reduce the detail. because im already starting to get a “lag” in the work. if i kept all the detail, when i am finished it would probably take about 5 hours to render. i dont have that kind of patients.

the shapes you have are great, esp. in the side view.

Intresting, not much to comment on at the moment.


When I looked at the side view, the little objects struck me as though they were supposed to be little spacemen, on the hangar-deck of some enormous spacecraft that happens to look extremely like a crawdad. With an appropriate backdrop and maybe some tiny crawdad-shaped spacecraft coming in to land, you could have some fun with that…

the front veiw looks like a dog lol :smiley:


haha…ha…update comming real soon, i just gotta render, and then upload at photobucket

here be an update… i mean…you know what i mean!!! :smiley:

C&C!!! RARGH!!!

and i am going to have to reduce the detail. because im already starting to get a “lag” in the work. if i kept all the detail, when i am finished it would probably take about 5 hours to render. i dont have that kind of patients

I don’t know if you have figured this out already but what I do is render my images at night before I go to sleep that way I have it finished and ready for me when I wake up. Just thought I’d say.

BTW the model looking good but I can’t see the alien look of it yet.

it wont look alien for a loong while…

oh and ive never had to render anything over 15 min yet…

that is why it is in the WIP forum.

sorry ive been gone this weekend so i havnt been able to work on this or my mech much. i am in progress of an update, and i will prolly post it on monday.

UPDATE: i fixed some preportions, and added alot of stuff…this is going to be a whole lot more mechanical than i thought.
(and no, they are not wings…)


it aint’ getten any better without no C&C