Tiger 1 ausf

try now https://youtu.be/RuQhDTJDc40

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Same Issue, I think it might be the age restriction :thinking: I’m not sure make sure you enable the “for kids” option and set it to view link only. That should help.

Okay, So Ik I haven’t been on lately but can we get something like this for the cross hair?

And maybe later, we can make it detect whether or not the bullet will either:
Cause critical damage
Can’t penetrate
Or all of them!

Have you tried viewing with YouTube YouTube signed out ? Could help :thinking:

Good idea mate ! And it’s already done :joy: … but bouncing ? I didn’t think about it :thinking::thinking::thinking: , and don’t have any idea how to make it bounce :face_with_raised_eyebrow: …ouch , my brain will explode :exploding_head:

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Possibly, have the bullet somehow detect the the angle of impact and react to it! Or we can just have it rigid body and see of we can get the target to have the bullet penetrate? I will work on a solution! Wait for my next reply!

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OKAY! I think I have a bounce mechanism:
Penetrationttest.blend (526.4 KB)

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Okay, I just went and made a cool thumbnail for this game in blender and google drawings!!

The blast wasn’t in blender, it was from google drawings. Everything else was rendered in blender!
The model was the same model from the game! ( So players get an idea of what the the game is like!)

I made this thinking it would look great in the main menu!

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Decent thumbnail. Question, is this game taking place in past or present times?


I’m not sure, most of the tanks is from the WW2 Era but there is a T90, never realized it.


it should be in PAST but yeah the T90 :joy::joy: , i was searching a lot for tanks from 1929 to 1945 but all i could find is paid models :disappointed_relieved:… even the tiny tanks :neutral_face: , so i decided to use a model i had befor which is T90 , a tank like T-34 would be just fine i searched a looooot ! didn’t find any thing :persevere: , if you know where to download these tank model or model them would be really helpful :slightly_smiling_face:


duuuuude !! well that ! what i call a thumbnail ! GOOD JOB
question : is the muzzle flare a texture in a specific location ? or you used it and put some effects ? too curious :eyes:

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No, I used google drawings to sort of “photoshop” it in, there where four different images, one with lowered brightness and slightly higher contrast behind the original one, all four of them where sized differently to the best I could!

I can find a free t-34 model! I will post the link on my next reply!

Okay, here is the link showing a full list of t-34s, some are expensive and others are free!!!

New video guys ! Check it out !!


The same problem still happens, even when I’m signed out, I can’t view.

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Okay, there is this game that is super realistic, has over 1500 vehicles, and is free to play. You also get +50 premium currency when you first register, Tip: the tutorials give you premium currency.
Here is the link:

Cool fact:
The games models where modeled in blender!!

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Here is a little gameplay vid of war thunder (Includes tigers!!)

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Tiger :drooling_face: , i’m in love with this tank … strange bug you have , you can’t view almost any video i send :thinking: , did you changed your settings ? To block some videos ? Idk , maybe try another device ? And if it works see what’s different between your device and the other one

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Hmm, It seems that my google account doesn’t trust BA’s video uploads, so it blocks it. I can’t even view mine OWN video in BA, but perfectly fine in Youtube. JUST for whatever reason, make sure to allow kids viewers (cuz it is a game not reality) and so my account is happy with what I’m watching.

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