Tiger Walking Feedback

Hello, I’m working on a tiger walk cycle and would love some feedback. the paws aren’t gonna be visible in the finished animation, so I decided to not animate the toes bending. Thanks!


This is a good start, though I see 2 obvious improvements.

  • The left, front leg seems to have a sudden stop when it reaches its rearmost point. This must be a mistake, as the other legs don’t do this.

  • Shouldn’t the tail have a bit of sway?

Some less obvious things:

  • The shoulder blades should have some up-down motion depending on which leg is on the ground.

  • The pelvis seems a bit rigid. Does it have any rotation when viewed from above? If you look at videos, you will see the starting point of the tail moves both up and down and left-right, because there is some rotation in the hips.

It’s always good to refer to a video for animation. Here is what I am comparing to.


Great input, thanks for taking the time!
The left foot’s sudden stop is a mistake, thanks for noticing that one! the shoulderblades actually does have motion to it, I’ll enhance that too.

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to add to above feedback, the back paws need more kickoff as the push off the weight.
you did the front paws nicely since they curl in as they take off

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ahh nice, I’m gonna implement that. thank you!

A good way that will enhance the bounciness of the whole thing is in the middle of when the paws move back, also move up the root of the whole thing and move the paws back down to the ground again.

You could also rotate the root slightly depending on which paw is coming back

I’m not sure I understand, if I move up the root then the other paws will be lifting aswell…?

Yeah that is why you move them back down again.

usually in the middle of the step when the paw is moving back, the leg/arm also straightens slightly

Sorry i meant the torso, not the root