Tiled texture from a tilesheet of many sub-images.

Hi, a sub-intermediate user here.

Suppose I have a plane, subdivide it into an 8x8 set of quads and I want to apply a tiled texture to the individual quads, HOWEVER! The texture I want to apply is just a region in a tilesheet.

Furthermore, I would like to apply different textures to different quads.

I’m not sure how to unwrap a selection of quads and then get the four corners of each quad and make them exist over each other in the UV editor. I hope this makes sense. When I go to unwrap they form a chain whereas what I want is for all of them to exist over one area of the texture without having to do too much donkey-work. I know how to do it face-by-face but that’s not how games get made.

If you could point out what is probably the blindingly obvious I would be very grateful,

Season’s greetings!


Are the quads squares ?
Easiest way is to just add a new UV Map in the Objects Data / UV Maps panel. Each face will then be unwrapped to fit the full UV space, all on top of each other. Just select the relevant faces and move and edit them as one.

Yeah they are.

This works well in terms of placing the UVs but at the end of the day I need a single UV map, is there a simple command to merge UVs as that would be mission accomplished here!
