Tiled Tire Tread Download

This is my own tread tile!
I have created with AutocadLT.



Nifty. Is that geometry or texture? Now all you need is a car to put over then :wink:


sweet treads man!!!

Very good work. I noted that the texturing of the tire (the thread) also shows on the inside. That’s the only problem. Very nice in every other respect!

dante I realize you don’t know who’s pafurijaz…

he doesn’t need a car to put over, he has already plenty of cars to put over!

As a mechanic(motorbike/car/truck/ militaryvehicles) I must say pretty good…
well ok the insides, but you won’t see that if on of those (amazingly nice) cars is put on top,
I used to be able to see wether the tire is a front/rear (and left or right in case of a used tire)
in other words: the symmertry confuses me a little(except the second from left)…

many thanks for the download.

I cannot believe that it is still spoken about this.
Thanks to all