All done in blender except for the audio and the titles on the last shot
(actually the one underneath is also done in Blender but there’s nothing much special about it in terms of 3D. I use Blender alot for traditional compositing of video and image type ads)
Yeah, time is the thing. The titles are always the thing I do last, and I’m always just making deadline so the titles get done by the quickest, dirtiest method possible.
In the Your Glory one, the titles are a mixture of Blender and Studio 7. Anything that moves is Blender, anything static is probably Studio 7.
But in the end, the titles are just titles. I’m interested to know what you would have done with them that would be worth the effort.
Boy ! Is it even possible to answer such a question ?
I can’t begin to guess what your inspiration would be…
As for thechniques, so many apply to text that I’d never think of using Photo$hop for a logo or title.
There’s the obvious : material, texture, lighting, world settings and animating all of this.
One can put the text on a 2D curve and animate the curve with the text attached to it both by making the curve travel and animating it with vertex keys (no RVK sorry).
One can change the text to curves and animate them directly.
Changing further to mesh more texturing is possible, better animation (RVK) dupliverting and animating the copying mesh, Dupliframing.
According to the quality of your video you could use it as animated texture on a rotating polyhedron, alternating it with text on a texture on an adjacent face.
Have your camera travelling around panels.
Is there any limit ?
We’d have to work together and I’d limit myself to open technical possibilities but you’d have to choose : then maybe I could, not tell you all possibilities but at least the ones that goes with what you’re thinking.
you’re right. it is hard to say what you would do.
I guess the only effect I wanted on the text was to have it ‘swim’ into view. That’s all I really was after. I didn’t need it to be in 3D. You don’t see that done much in professional ads that I have seen. I could have taken the text as a 2D texture, mapped it to a plane and done a wave transform on that plane at the same time adjusting the alpha of the material to make the text appear while it was ocilatiing. But in the end, I wouldn’t have got much more of an effect than I did just by using the Studio 7 transition I used.
So, in the end, though I could have done something fancier with the text, the ad really didn’t need it. It just needed the text to appear so that people could read it.
(BTW I had to change the text last night as I got the date wrong! It took me about 5 seconds to change in Studio 7 and would have taken me longer in Blender because I would have had to rerender it)
My philosophy is “use the best tool to get the job that you want done”
thanks for the feedback. The Blender community rocks!