Time and Flickering.vv.. h..y... why? ? ?

ok, so, awhile back I made this really neat thingy that I thought would be cool to animate.
found here (google vid) - 8seconds
:smiley: anyways, it’s wierd because the animation keeps on flickering in odd places… any reason or idea why?

Also I’m playing with the led.dll for windows and, well, I think it’s busted… it’s fine all the way down to 2:39 timecode… then it decides to count all wierd n’ stuff… is it the led.dll busted? any way to fix it?

Heck, anyone want to just write a new one? I’m currently (as of 11-11-06) needing a countdown like this one that actuallly WORKS using blender - no luck so far… solutions will make me very happy…
thanks for lookin’ into the prob :slight_smile:

Go into edit mode for your mesh, select all verticies, and select “remove doubles” in the edit buttons window. The flickering problem is caused by overlapping faces.

Yeah, it’s duplicate faces.

it’s the led.dll texture plugin - it’s not the faces