time wasting machine (iOS, Android)

Hello everyone!
This is a new app I made. What do you think? It will be released on the iOS App Store on April 22nd, 2015.
Here is a promotional video showing some screenshots:

You can also take a look at the description below the video which is available in English and German.
Both, the video and many assets for the app have been made in Blender.


The app is released now and available on the iOS app store.
( https://itunes.apple.com/app/time-wasting-machine/id972466378 )
You can reach it using one of these QR-codes, too:

Are there no opinions on this? What do you think could make this app better?
Also, it’s available on Android now, too:

a hammer -_- …

just kidding :yes:

on a moe serious note, just a little more artistic integrity. and you might have somebody hooked :eek:

Thank you very much for your feedback, ironshirt!
What do you mean by “a hammer”? Does it look like a hammer? :smiley:
And what do you mean by “artistic integrity”? I do plan on changing some of the style or maybe let the user unlock textures that he can use for customizing the time wasting machine.
Right now, the user can choose from different colors for the machine and unlock some music and trophies.
Also, I am thinking about adding some more visual effects to the part when the cube drops.
But this may lead to lag on older devices. So if I implement new effects, they are probably going to be optional.