i live in adelaide australia and im +9.5GMT. when i change it to +9.5 and save my settings it changes to +10.
wtf is going on?
yes i know its not a very bid deal
i live in adelaide australia and im +9.5GMT. when i change it to +9.5 and save my settings it changes to +10.
wtf is going on?
yes i know its not a very bid deal
I’d bet the code doesn’t like fractionary time zones…
indeed,… I never even heared of fractionary timezones,… seems silly!
I knew afganistan and Iran have, and that Saudi Arabia uses sheer suntime, but I believed those were only exceptions
Adelaide has a longitude of 138ºE
The solar time on the 120ºE meridian is GMT+9, but on the 150ºE meritian it’s GMT+10
Adelaide is 1/2way in between so they use +9.5
aye but that’s silly
New Foundland (eastern province of Canada, lone island in the sea) is GMT -4.5
seems silly to me too
if you guys dont stop you are going to create some type a funny time warp!
does america have daylight savings? cause that realy screws up the timezones in australia.
tazmania starts daylight savings a month ahead of the rest of the county, QLD changes diferently some years, NSW, SA, NT and victoria goes forward one hour, and WA doesnt change.
well its something like that, not too sure about QLD, but at some times of the year WA is 3-4 hours behind NSW
daylight savings is idiotic aswell,…
Infact timezones are idiotic!
we should all simply follow GMT, who cares if you lunch at midnight or go to school at 8pm!
if it wernt for school i would have lunch at midnight
We should use that ‘swatch internet time’ or whatever it was that B@rt had set up at the old blender.nl forums. Remember that number up the top in the format : @453 or something?