as a matter of fact, i actually did read bravehearts post, and it didnt apply to my question, or if it did then i still didnt understand it.
i need to have a timer for a first person bow and arrow. the bow is always drawn, and when you push the button, it is released, the arrow in the hand goes invisible, and another arrow from another layer appers and shoots, the arrow hand ( the one without the bow) moves up and back, off screen, where the arrow re-appears and moves back to the drawn position.
this is what i need the timer to do. i tried to set up the timer, but i dont know what to enter for the value blank in the property actuator. and in the property section in the number blank, is it measured in seconds? do i need to make a re-appear actuator linked to the timer?
A timer is in seconds. I really don’t understand the rest of the question. The timer for braveheart was a one shot deal, but I would assume the arrows can be reloaded. That means the time property has to be rezeroed, or the stop property added on to the current time.
i forgot to mention that im pretty new. could you maybe dumb that down a little, or just explain what some of the things are like rezoreod, or what you mean about adding to the current time
Use the interval setting of the property actuator using only one tenth of a second difference. The property sensor is too slow to be triggered by an exact time.
O.K. You need an actuator that turns it invisible for so many seconds, then turns it visible. You need a python script for that. What type of sensor starts it? keyboard? If your that much of a newb are you sure your ready for all this?
Here’s what you should do before thinking about a timer. Get it to work once. Make it go invisible and shoot an arrow. You can do all that without a timer. Then ask about the timer, and I should be able to answer based on your setup. Otherwise it’s too hard to know what your doing. Or someone else might have a simple solution. Hope that doesn’t sound rude or anything, it’s just not enough information.
Take a look at this blend file I just whipped up. I have the logics set where the arrow will play a quick IPO & then fire. Ok, the arrow you see isn’t the arrow thats being fired. The actual firing arrow is in Layer 2. I set up my logics so that the arrow you’re holding is visible at first, but after you press SPACE, the timer resets itself so that it will make the visible arrow disappear while adding the second arrow in layer 2, and then reappearing a split second later. If this is too confusing maybe someone else could simplify it more.