A few weeks (?) before “The NaN Disaster” Timothy Kanters posted some tips on how to reproduce the door fx of Monsters Inc within Blender.
I would really appreciate if anybody (including Timothy and Cameron Diaz) would give me a URL to get that info. I’ll send you part of my sexy lingerie collection in return.
I’m not sure I want to see your lingerie collection, but the trick is to use a mask object which will put the world texture in front of the rest. You can do that by using the Env option on a Material.
It’s basicly really simple,… when you give a object a material with the ENV setting activated, Blender doesn’t render the material instead it renders the background.
What I did in this .blend file is I added a room with a door,… and added another room just around the original one. The 2nd room I gave a material with the env setting. (see for yourself in the .blend file.
Now this isn’t the best way to do it.
The best way is to create 2 seperate scenes, 1 with the room in it, and one with the door and the rest of the scene in it. Now in the dooropening of that door you simply add a plane and give it a material with the ENV setting.
Now you simply use the sequence editor to render the 2 scenes with a ALPHA over (the plane in the door is rendered as the background, thus usable as alpha).