
really professional work. just what blender community needs.

very well done.

Bag node setup

Hi Nazar_Noschenko

Your work could benefit from better materials:

  • the normal map should be set to Non-Color Data (always)
  • the normal output should go into shader’s normal input, not into displacement slot (that only takes grayscale values)
  • it is nice that you use fresnel node, but since your glossy has roughness so should the fresnel. I suggest look into PBR shaders and search for Cynicat Pro’s tutorial how to setup fresnel with roughness

I believe your materials will be much better

Thanks for advice:)

Man, nice work!
I like your shaders, how to work blender + marvelous ?

Your female characters drive me crazy! :wink: No joke. They are beautiful and elegant and they have presence and class. Those things make me forget that I am in front of a CG Image, which is good. I know they are cartoony style, but I always forget it, which means that you are on the path. Congrats!

Thank you! I’m really happy that you felt so:)

I think you’ve hit upon a distinctive style for this kind of work. Really impressive stuff. The models you’ve been creating have a life-like quality for want of a better term. Hard to describe. They have definite “character”. Which can be pretty hard to do. I think it’s just the right mix of realism and something more stylised. :slight_smile:

I’m so jalous. So young and so talented.
you sure are a rare ressource in CG. You’ll have a great carrier, I can bet on this!

nice to see another excellent work by you. I think youll become a great artist over time.

Isn’t non-color data only for black/white images, Normal map is based on colors not on black/white data

This is a wonderful Tina character, really awesome. :yes:

awesome… really intelligent work… stylo

First off, excellent work. She seems like a very believable character, would fit right in a Disney/Pixar film.
Thanks for the node setup. I would appreciate any other details you would be willing to share about the materials, modeling, lighting, everything really! :wink:

Specifically, how did you create the textures? For the bag, the clothes, and the skin.

Also, congrats on top row. All your characters are brilliant.

Назар, отличная работа. Очень красиво.
Подскажи, чем ты делал волосы - может, подкинешь уроки?

Very nicely done man! Keep it up. Have you thought about doing an animation with her?

Спасибо:) Вот отличная и подробная серия уроков по созданию волос https://cgcookie.com/archive/styling-and-rendering-long-hair-with-blender-and-cycles/

Thanks! She’s created for a short film, so definitely will be animated:)

man this is an awesome work, the model and the rendering , thy are amazing