Tintin - Fanart

“Tintin au pays des stéroïdes”. 4 years ago, Aurélien Duhayon wanted to draw a cute Tintin but it didn’t go well. I was inspired by his work and sculpted it. Please take a look at his work to be inspired yourself too.

Blender 4.3, Cycles. Music: Wallace Collection - Daydream.

Original drawing by Aurélien Duhayon


Tintin / Sin City (comics) mashup !
Pretty cool these recent works from you, pretty inspiring !


Agree with @sozap that’s ultra powerful! very nice


This looks fantastic! Are there any plans to make a Snowy model to go beside Tintin?

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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He got a tiny little head!

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“Tin Tin” is the last sound his enemies hear.

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