Tips for a realistic Fiber Optic strand

Here is my result before reading the latest posts.

I am just learning the node materials for Cycles. I definitely need to deconstruct & use the ramp techniques Kaluura is using.

@RickyBlender, if you mean the phisical reason why it looks that way I have no idea, I could guess, that since the emitter is somewhere down there on the lamp that’s why you can see more light “on the outside” of the fiber in the base, because in the fiber you actually don’t see the light manifest till it ends, in the tip, but hey I could be totally wrong so don’t take my word for it.
The how I did it is easier, I just have two ramp mixes, one for the tip and one for the start of the strand the tip one is a constant and the other one is a softer linear mix which added on top of a glass it looks like that, as I said, totally fake :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but fun none the less.

i think i may have found an answer for hair
it has to do with intercept feature for hair

The Intercept acts to alter the material along the length of the strand !

so thismay change the emission intensity along the hair!
but this might not work for a nomral object only for hair!

but still an interesting effect
