Can someone please tell me how to put these borders (action safe and title safe) back on the camera view? (Its the two grey broken-lined boxes within the camera view)
I’ve somehow managed to disable it, and i cant seem to find it.
thanks much.
Can someone please tell me how to put these borders (action safe and title safe) back on the camera view? (Its the two grey broken-lined boxes within the camera view)
I’ve somehow managed to disable it, and i cant seem to find it.
thanks much.
Heck, I didn’t even know you could disable those.
The only way I am familiar with disabling those two borders is by zooming in on the camera window. So the only thing I can suggest would be to try zooming out in that window. However that isn’t to say it’s the only way, just the only way I can think of.
Zooming out doesn’t work.
You have to hit the Numpad 0-key to reset to camera view.
(but that’s probably to easy.)
Zooming in indeed can eliminate the borders while still being in camera mode.
thanks for the help guys, zooming while in cam view does it. but I use to be able to see it all the time…or i might be imagining that…
If you have to zoom out each time, especially after starting Blender, I would recommend doing this:
Start blender but do not open any project file.
Fix the zoom in the camera so you can see the borders.
Click “File” > “Save default settings”.
That should ensure that the camera view will start with the correct settings in the future.