To everyone having problems with remote linking...

Since a lot of ppl have nowhere to upload images except for GeoCities and similar hosts that do not allow remote linking, I’ve got sort of a smooth solution here::…

Personally, I rarely look at linked images if I have to anything more than click on the link. I’m just too lazy.

In fact, it wouldn’t be very hard to make a little HTML-page to embed your images in, but since that rarely happens, I guess it is not easy enough…

So I give you:: The Solution…

Three simple steps, and you only have to use ONE single html-file to rule them all…

Step 1
Copy and paste the code below into one piece of empty file. Then upload it to your crappy webspace provider. Give it a good name like “showpic.html” or something like that.

Step 2
Upload your images just as you usually do.

Step 3
When it is time for you to post a link in the WIP or Finished Projects forum, do it like this:

Hey guys! Here are my latest blendings, two views, just click:

Please notice that the file ‘showpic.html’ never needs to be changed since you reference the correct image in the link instead.

This is the html/javascript you need for ‘showpic.html’::…

<script language="JavaScript">
function load_the_image() {

<body onLoad="javaScript: load_the_image();return true">
This can simply be empty

Warning: I don’t have a crappy host myself, so I cannot test this. As long as the hosts do not parse files to search & destroy javascript, it really should work.

i hope people listen to this.

people who have crappy hosts always complain about how they loose there service for noe reason, when in reality they weren’t follwing the TOS.

ahh, anyway nice tut!!

My host is ok but its not very fast…its just a good deal with few limitations.

Dear Moderators, please make this thread sticky :slight_smile:

You’ve got my vote on that one too. Maybe someday Elysiun will have the money to host our images for us. Right mods and admins? :wink:

I usaully just paste this infront of the Url if I want to imbed a pic or avoid the drag-n-drop…

As far as I know that works will sll free hosts such a geocities, tripod, etc…

Thanks for that link ! I just tested it with geocities and it works - great ! This topic should definately be made sticky or something…

Let’s also not forget about Solar Flare Studios though ! (I think)

Thats a pretty cool site! Do they make good on what it says on the main page or is it just a mission statement with no substance to back it up?

Desoto-111 : if you’re referring to Solar Flare Studio’s, then yes “they” certainly do. “They” being Stephen2002 on the elysiun forums. Stephen’s feedback is always great and has improved my images no end (and lengthened render times too…grrr…! :wink: ) You can post files up to 2mb, and though you can’t directly link them to other forums (actually I’ve never tried that, although the gallery will allow this) you can just post a link to the picture with no cutting and pasting needed. SFS studios is also hosting a Blender demo reel and (currently) a photoreal contest. I’m surprised they haven’t had some sort of “official” elysiun announcement.

Well thankyou for the heads-up! I’m new to the blender community so its always great when someone points out an invaluable resource for me to look at! Thanks again!

For those crappy sites, instead of cutting amd pasting you can add a ‘?’ on the end of it before you click it or when it comes up in refusal mode. No need for cutting and pasting. But, sure, if the site-owner can fix it from his end then that is the answer.
JamesK, I can only imagine how riled up those sites get you for you to have come up with the code!


Although you can not hot link to an image in geocities you can hot link to a web page.

Now, how about this:
No coding, no nothing… JUST:

Change your image’s extension to anything… in this case i changed png to txt… take a look:

Hehehe… 8)
Easy as PIE!
Or at least is is displayed correctly on MY browser… :smiley:

Works for me too but some people may have a problem with the browser trying to open the file with a text editor right?

It depends on whether the browser looks at the extension first and opens in the associated program (or plugin), or if it looks at the encoding (binary or ascii) first. I’ve also seen some people just leave off the extension completely, and it worked.

You really, really should make this topic sticky, pleasepleaseplease %|

Wow, thaks.
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It’s good to have you people helping others show their art!