Today, a year ago...

As I was saying in the topic subject, this is the anniversary of the Blender Foundation! On July 5, 2002, the NaN shareholders agreed to release Blender’s source if 98 thousand euros were paid.

And with our efforts, we managed to reach more than that.

Congrats, OpenBlender! (and thanks to Ton, of course!)

(no flaming allowed on this topic :stuck_out_tongue: )

Three cheers to OpenBlender.


He, he, he…

Looks like July 5th is our “Independence day”… :wink:


*ditto cracks out some more fire works…

yippee!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yay!! happy anniversary!!!

(we need party emoticons)


Thanks to all you tenatious folks out there who work so hard to make this project a success!

long live blender!!

Thanks to the people who are still working hard to develop it further.

cheers!!! so,should we declare the 5th of July our blender independence day? :smiley:

That’s what I also think amigo… :smiley: Let’s make a poll and vote for it…
