Tomjk - 2D Sketchbook



Painted in Krita.

This was an experiment with a “3d renderer-like” method which basically comes down to having every light as a seperate “pass”. It trades off some painting complexity for some technical/organisational complexity.

I started with inks of each character seperately, then arranged (move + erase occluded) into the final layout. Then used the colourise mask tool to add flat colours and selection masks. Lighting is painted in grouped layers that add (or screen) on top of each other over a black background.

Basically it looks like this:
  • lineart
  • [lighting]
    • [sun light], screen
      • colour fill, multiply (to tint light)
      • [transmission], screen
        • clone of flat colour, multiply
        • paint layers with colours picked from direct light
      • [bounce], screen
        • clone of flat colour, multiply
        • paint layers with colours picked from direct light
      • [direct], screen
        • clone of flat colour, multiply
        • grayscale paint layers
    • [sky light] (same as sun light)
    • (more lights…)
    • black fill
  • flat colour
  • masks (as coloured-coded layer pickable from any other layer with similar colour tool)

Does it work? Well, a picture was made so it’s got that going for it.

But I think I’m going to go get more comfortable doing it the normal way. This method allows you to defer making choices and avoid destructive changes, but it also locks you into a very rigid and cumbersome system and can make it hard to actually be artistic. Also you have to essentially paint the image multiple times, once for each light, so it probably takes longer too.

Sorry Just found where you mentioned Krita. Good Job with it.