Too much noise in the render-result

As u can see in the video below, too much noise appears in the space around the blender logo… (it´s material is Glass BSDF maybe thats a reason for it ?) can someone recommend me a render setting to avoid this noise ?

(i know i still have to set the camera movement and so on…^^)

Try Clamp 2 in Sampling settings.

Cheers, mib.

clamp: 2 sampling: 50

better but still not good :confused: ^^ (by the way -whats Blender Octane ?)

  • post failed (picture wasn´t displayed)

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another one … clamp: 5 sampling: 100 , other light settings (spot instead of point)[ATTACH=CONFIG]289463[/ATTACH]

Add more lights to your scene. Cycles has trouble rendering areas where there is an abundance of light and much bounce lighting.

Hi, you need higher Clamp values only if you have very bright pixels.

(by the way -whats Blender Octane ?)

This is an Addon, it integrates Octane Render Engine in Blender like Cycles.

Cheers, mib.

thanks for the answers ! :slight_smile: I´ll try it out a little bit -if nothing works i will change the material (i found out that these noisy pixels don´t appear that strong with other materials, like diffuse…)

Did you try to deactivate caustics? (Lightpath panel).

there is no tick in the “no caustics” check-box (default setting)

-update: i left it unchecked but set the amount of the glossy filter from 0.0 to 1.0 -fixed it ! :slight_smile:


try this:

You can reduce the noise of your rendered image with compositing (Render Passes:

In this video Bartek explains the bilateral blur node separately:


Have fun!

I’m not sure if this one is free or requires a citizen account, but this short course is very helpful. While it specifically covers the branched-path-tracing integrator, the information is still very useful for the path-tracing integrator as well.

I use photoshop to clean up my noisy renders… The noise reduction filter is pretty amazing.

Nice render btw, especially the cloth material.

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Hi, just wondering because I have seen many compositor node setups to reduce noise: Aren’t they very similar to what a despeckle filter does? Have you seen better performance with these than the use the despeckle node?