My latest work. It’s been a while since I actually finished something. Rendered with BI using AO. I hope you like it.
heh heh, i like how the hands just hang in there on the sides…
Nice idea! Materials and lighting could use some work but oh well …
Thanks! I just began learning the Gimp so textures will be better soon, and lighting…well yea im working on that lol.
He looks like he needs a bag of chips
Looks good, nice and simple. If your planning on adding to it, maybe put some glow in front the TV to show that it’s on.
BTW, the grass looks nice.
Ah man, reminds me of Dinofly… (for those among us familiar with the game “Little Big Adventure” also known as “Relentless”. thanks for reminding me of the games they made “back in the days” good work:)
I like it, simple and effective. Was expecting blood shot eyes. Maybe as the dragon watches more TV the eyes will get more red with time. nice work.
very goodbut is it my imagination or does it look like hes looking slightly above the tv? does anyone else see that or is it just mywonky vision?
that is excellent grass well done
does anyone else see that or is it just mywonky vision?
si, his eyes are looking at the entena. but I like the pic.