Well it didn’t exist, so I have created it. I doubt this script is optimal, but this will transfer weights between a selected lattice and an active mesh object based on vertex proximity. Hopefully we get full weight tools for lattices one day.
### MADE BY aVersionOfReality.com, @AversionReality
# How it works:
# - Select a lattice and then a mesh you want to transfer groups from.
# - All vertex groups on the mesh object will be created on the lattice. with 0 weight at first.
# - For each point in the lattice, it checks for any verts within the distance margin.
# - For each vert in range (should only be 1), it assigns weights to vertex groups.
# - Works in Global space, so origin point location doesn't matter, only vert and point location.
# - I don't know what will happen if multiple points are in range. Not extensively tested.
# - I am not experienced at Python so don't use this as a reference.
import bpy
from mathutils import Vector
margin = .0001
selected = bpy.context.selected_editable_objects
active = bpy.context.active_object
mesh = active
lattice = selected[0]
def make_groups(mesh, latt):
#get vertex groups on objects
mesh_groups = [g.name for g in mesh.vertex_groups]
latt_groups = [g.name for g in lattice.vertex_groups]
#create groups that don't already exist
for g in mesh_groups:
if g not in latt_groups:
def compare_loc(loc1, loc2):
distance = (loc2 - loc1).length
return distance
def copy_weights(mesh, lattice, vert, point, index):
#get group names and weight
group_weight = {}
for vg in vert.groups:
for vgroup in mesh.vertex_groups:
if vgroup.index == vg.group:
gname = vgroup.name
group_keys = [key for key in group_weight]
#get index of group of the same name on lattice, replace group name with index
for vgroup in lattice.vertex_groups:
for key in group_keys:
if vgroup.name == key:
group_weight[vgroup.index] = group_weight.pop(key)
#assign weights to points
for ind, weight in group_weight.items():
#print('index =', ind, 'weight =', weight)
lattice.vertex_groups[ind].add([index], weight, 'REPLACE')
make_groups(mesh, lattice)
#list verts and points
verts = [v for v in mesh.data.vertices]
points = [p for p in lattice.data.points]
#if same loc, copy weights
for ind, p in enumerate(points):
p_loc = lattice.matrix_world @ p.co
for v in verts:
v_loc = mesh.matrix_world @ v.co
#compare locations
distance = compare_loc(p_loc, v_loc)
if distance <= margin:
match = True
#print(match, distance)
match = False
if match:
copy_weights(mesh, lattice, v, p, ind)