thought ide try my hand at characature, not much yet.
Wow! Much Better than what I would be able to do in a month! Looking really good so far man! No crits for now!
thanks man, glad you like it, added some arms and some colour. (hands are still lookin shifty to me).
very nice…hands are good…top of the head looks squished imo, and the eyes look a bit small
The hands do look good but they might look better if the palms were less wide and the thumb was a bit bigger. Plus they are a little out of proportion to the rest of the body but, hey, what cartoon’s hands aren’t? Good Luck!
small upadate, got some legs an feet ont he go, i made the thumbs a bit bigger (thanks for pointing that out) and made the eyes a bit bigger too, ill get a better shot of the feet at some point. there in proportion to the hands, so the quite fat.
(edit: just seen what u meant about the top of the head chirpsalot ta)
decided to make a bit of a scene out of him (and 2 poses for the face, would like to do some more, but ive found its quite time consuming).