Hi, I’m using the Toon-Edge rendering feature and want more control over the thickness of the lines outputted. The only parameter I can see is the EdgeIntensity value, and that doesn’t affect the thickness of the lines, only how they’re detected.
If anyone knows of a script or other method, perhaps using the composition Nodes to help that’d be awesome
You can control the intensity with the edgesetting drop down next to the edge button in the output panel in scene(F10). Its the Eint slider. This is also the place where you can control the color of the edge.
Yeah the Eint button is the EdgeIntensity value I mentionned. I need to drastically increase the diameter of the edges and the Eint is no-where near enough. So far I’m getting round it with multiplying alphas and blurring the result, but the results are a bit rubbish :(.
Thanks anyway ^^ If I find a better solution I’ll post it for anyone else interested
Rather limiting, I agree. I tried some node setups with gradients, still a little bit primitive.
I am most looking forward to the GSoC project to integrate FreeStyle into the Blender render engine. I am hoping that this is the “Holy Grail” providing much needed line rendering NPR capacity for the Blender crew…