I have a model (http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=88908) and I have a small question about toon edges. I like the edge, for contrast, but I also personally find the image looks better with orange edges. However, if I were to add other objects to the scene, they too, would have orange edges, as far as I know. is it possible, perhaps with clever compositing which I know… nothing… about, to have different color toon edges for different objects?
If this is possible, any explanation as to how? Thanks.
for different colored toon edges, use linked scenes with different output settings. feed them into your noodle with a Renderlayer input from the other scene. This is also the way you can have like your main character toon edged, but nothing else. Be sure to choose your layers to render carefully so you dont render the same thing twice.
Eint in Edge Settings sets the width of the edge.
The background is black because there is no Material -> World Setting. Add a new World (default is blue). You might tho want to put a plane under him, or it will look like he/she is floating in space.
New node setup, overwrote old file. I personally like my edges better than Blender’s built in ones, so I will use them. However, as you can see in my note setup, I am trying to combine two layers each with plenty of noodling going on with them aaaand it just isn’t working out. Any ideas?
the box renderlayer input is blank, so there’s like no way youre gonna get anything out of it.
ok, so like the Box Renderlayer is an AND function with the selected layers. So go to your RenderLayers panel, and click the 2nd button on the Layers. Then the box will show up in the input node.
AlphaOver only adds a foreground where the background is alpha>0. The box image is alpha 0 where the chickin is, so the chicken dont make it. You want to use a mix node in Multiply mode instead of the AlphaOver node that combines the chickin and de box.
what DID freak me out was the interlacing lines on Fuzz…but i see you are using the wood texture with a toon shader. that’s kinda different.
Aha! Thanks very much, I feel a step closer though there are a couple of problems.
First and foremost…
For whatever reason, the box appears transparent. Also, there’s a small yellow line around Fuzz, between where the mesh ends, overlaying the sized up, recolored alpha channel.
Second, Blender has a little tantrum any time I dare touch something, causing it to demand rerenderance before it will composite correctly.
I think the little yellow line was resolved earlier by doing something with the sky color, but now it doesn’t seem to work. Any ideas?
Edit: Actually, trying to render one render layer ends up in the other blanking out. How convenient.
click both buttons 1 and 2 in the upper Layer section. read http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Render_Layers.
You have to i think change the mix mode to multiply, not leave it on mix 50-50. have it multiply with a factor of 1.0
The halo around Fuzz is his Alpha ForceShield, it protects him from being hurt by flying boxes. To turn it off, get a written disclamer from him releasing you from any liability due to injuries he might incur, and then in the AlphaOver node click the Convert PreMultiply button.
Very good! Only one problem remains. I keep trying to render the box/Fuzz but when I do one, the other layer turns white, when I render the white, the other goes white. Rargh
edit: never mind, I think I got it! Thanks very much, now to eliminate the small outline
Awesome, it’s worked, and I even got some motion blur in. Thanks much for the help!