This was made for 3D design at the university of applied sciences hagenberg. The original plan was to model the house in maya and only do the rendering in blender. But since modelling in Maya sucks i made it entirely in Blender.
Rendered in Cycles at 1024 samples
This was done considerably fast. Idea and concept on sunday, done thursday morning.
Please share your opinion. I know it has some flaws but i’d like to hear it from you guys. What really needs to be improved in next projects
Nice work! Only critique would be, the composition isn’t great. Try pointing the dead flower at the globe like a guiding line. Also, maybe bring the paper back a little bit and the mug into the scene a bit more. A chair might look nice too.
the globe is actually composited. i gave the sphere a mix between holdout and glossy based on fresnel. Then in Photoshop put them together.
Yeah you are right the composition but i actually tried creating one. In my opinion this is the hardest part to master when creating a whole scene
For the composition, point the edge of the paper at the globe, and throw in a pencil pointing at it in the background, add a light vignette and you should be good to go!