I tried Toon-style motion blur with composite node.
Here are the sample animation,node map and .Blend file.
That’s a very clever idea! Well done!
Fantastic! and by simply changing the color in the colorramp, you can make the streaks appear red, or yellow. and a good use of the noise function, to make the streaks jump around from frame to frame. sweet. You get a cookie - fudge marble!
Now thats impressive.
I’ve seen papers for this technique that weren’t as good.Your really good with these nodes.
I think I saw a question from someone earlier last month concerning how to do this, and I had no clue what they were asking for - now that I see this, I must say that is very clever and produces a very interesting result!!
I hope the party looks again and finds your example - they would benefit greatly from the diagram you posted.
Need to bump this thread for further research and use later. By only crit is that you use an image map for noise. Have you tried using a texture instead of the .tga?
Hey, pretty nice! I wonder, could you use a dilate/erode node somewhere in there to thicken/thin the lines? That would be cool.
Very nice. Saw this on Blendernation.
Anyone wanna demonstrate this with the Mancandy rig?
Now, go find them dragon balls